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Best workout routine?
So, I was wondering, what would be the best way to build muscle.
Not like freaky level of muscle, but enough.

I want to build as much muscle as possible in a month and a half, all I have is a pull up bar and a bench pressing set with up to 200 pounds of weights

So far for my routine I've been doing

Bench Presses
Pull ups

Would there be anything better? I do this 5 times a day, and I was wondering if I should add anything. I've been thinking push ups but after the bench presses and deadlifts my arms are tired as hell. (If you want me to add cardio, I really hate running, is there anything for cardio that replaces running. Swimming would be hard to pull off since I dont live near water).

Also, chin ups vs. Pull ups?
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ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ