[S/B/T]Box,Nivek32,Shamshank and Sonnxp shop
Hello and welcome to our shop
You offer,we won't
You always send first
-If you buy,always tell us from who you're buying
-If you want to buy,write [B] in your post
-If you want to sell,write
[S] in your post
-If you want to trade,write
[T] in your post
-We accept Tcs,and Items
Box' items:(He only accepts tcs)
Current tcs
Forged by wigwham on 2011-02-27 07:33:23 for the Left Hand (2642).
Forged by on for the ().
The flame is a collectors item
Forged by evets on 2009-06-15 09:30:58 for the Right Hand (673).
Forged by evets on 2009-06-15 09:31:27 for the Left Hand (674).
Last edited by Kevin; Jul 25, 2011 at 08:37 PM.