Name: Dmau5 (Deadmouse5 as llama calls me or Deemow)
Bans/Infractions: None
Best mod: Abd (Goatse beats all)
Reason for applying: Asked to join by Uric (URR-IC c and Spacellama. Also because this clan pwns all c:
Age:15 and wanting to go to New Zealand because AmeriFags suck
Gmt: -5Hrs
Interesting facts: Goatse 4 life. Llama saves uric from shark attack. I beat people while i goatse. Llama goatses against me and it was the best match ever. llama and uric lose me a total of 60k FML. Llama gave me full chronos with SUM DAT LLAMA LUCK. Llama has llama luck
About me: Yes.
Uric and Llama thanks for asking me to join <3
Replay :3