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[S] Big o' Bundle
Hey guys, I'm here again looking for some TC ;)

So lets get right into it. These are the only items I will be selling, so do not mention anything else in my deactivated or activated inventory.

DQ-sound 40k
512 ground texture - 90k
Raider lax - 12k
512x512 Left leg Texture - 16k
Quicksilver blood - 13k
Plasma relax - 10k
Pure relax - 10k
Sapphire relax - 6.5k
Full 128 - 27k
Left hand texture trail - 6k
Noxious force -  1.7k
Noxoius relax - 1.9k
Amethyst blood - 5k
Amber relax - 2.7k
Cobra relax - 4.6k
Ecto relax - 3k
Radioactive relax - 2.7k
Typhon force - 1.8k
Raptor relax - 5k
I can assure you that I've cut the prices down of all items (from the market), so please no drastic haggling. I will just refuse it.

So the grand total of these items together is - 258,900 TC (correct me if I am wrong). But if you buy all of them items as a whole, it will cost 240,000 TC

I am only accepting TC as payment, so no mixed offers.

Happy buying ;)
Last edited by ed; Aug 19, 2011 at 08:52 AM.

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