Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: How socially awkward are you?
Defecate in pants.
6 Votes / 11.11%
Tend to freeze up around people, can barely speak.
1 Votes / 1.85%
Very hard to communicate, often speak to quietly to understand.
0 Votes / 0%
I'm pretty awkward, but can hold a normal conversation.
3 Votes / 5.56%
People tend to like me, but I'm known for saying the occasional awkward thing.
4 Votes / 7.41%
Decent amound of friends, might stutter occasionally.
12 Votes / 22.22%
I have a good amount of friends, speak with a good flow.
9 Votes / 16.67%
I'm generally considered fun to be around, but some peeps dun liek diss.
4 Votes / 7.41%
I can get anyone to like me, though it might take some time.
7 Votes / 12.96%
Everybody likes me, you can't handle the sw@g.
8 Votes / 14.81%
Voters: 54. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
How socially retarded are you?
On a scale of 1-10.
Here are some factors to help you out:
Do you find conversation easy?
Do more people like you than not?
Prior hanging with friends, do they call you or do you call them?
Are you good at making others feel comfortable?

Answer below o:
I'd say I'm a 6 or 7, I can communicate alright, but I have my haters and am not always super confident.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah