~ ~ Overveiw ~ ~
Bastion is a role-playing action game set in the world Caelondia after it has been destroyed by an event known as the Calamity.
The game revolves around a silent protagonist who is referred to as the Kid. The focus of the game's story is the Kid's quest
to create a safe haven, known as the Bastion. The rest of the world has become a series of floating islands after the Calamity,
a doomsday of sorts.
~ ~ Gameplay ~ ~
Bastion is an action-RPG with a level structure that emphasizes fast paced and frantic gameplay. The Kid moves through
fantasy-themed environments that form up underneath his feet as he moves thorough each level. In order to progress, the Kid
must defeat enemies using a variety of melee and ranged weaponry while collecting items and leveling up his attributes with
experience points along the way. There is a currency in Bastion known as fragments, or pieces of the Old World. They are
found laying about in the different environments and are dropped by enemies upon defeat. Between levels, the Kid visits the Bastion,
where he can use the fragments he has acquired to purchase weapon upgrades and spirits. These spirits alter and enhance
the Kid's abilities in a number of different ways. Depending on the level of the character, players can "equip" more spirits and therefore
give themselves a greater advantage in battle.
~ ~ Narration ~ ~
The game incorporates a unique feature called 'dynamic narration'. Rucks, the strange old man, serves as the game's narrator.
As well as delivering story exposition, Rucks' narration will change based on the player's actions and style of play - for example,
he might remark upon the player's affinity for a certain weapon if said weapon is used frequently during battle, or he might
comment on an enemy that the player is about to fight.