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[Hunters] Agility Tourney!!!
Agility Tournament!

Every hunter must know how to use the fastest way possible to his target.
Every hunter must know how to escape from sticky situations.
Every hunter must know how to jump, flip, duck, dive, slide, roll, hang, swing and kill
Every hunter must know how to be EPIC

As we all know I recently held a tournament to know who is the strongest and/or best strategist in the clan and now I would want to know who is the best in parkour, freerunning or whatever you want to call it. The winner will be known as the "[Hunters] Freerun Master"

This tournament is very simple because you don't need to play the same time as your opponent. You can play it in freeplay then just save the replay. WARNING: In some occasion in freeplay after you finnished the frames, it would skip the replay and would automatically go into a newgame. Prevent this by saving before your last turn(press "F")

Tournament rules:
No edited replays! be honest and don't edit replays.
Don't over do the emote command(/em)! you could emote every 100 frames
No team work with Uke!
DQ should be turned off in certain mods so it won't have a problem in the replay
The gravity should always be at -30
No using of "jousting like" forces(y'know, the thing that pushes you forward)

I will have a Poll on who should be the judge of the replays.

The criteria for judging is:
30/30 - For completing the course
25/25 - Realistic movements
25/25 - Tricks
10/10 - Time left
10/10 - Emote timing

The mods will be
parkour_city_b(not sure about this)
mpfreerunning(not sure about this)

Sign Up for the tournament is now open!

For TRichard: I already asked LordTiger in making this event he said "You could hold any event you like" or something like that =3
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Sep 14, 2011 at 12:29 AM.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO