[UNCE] Preferred Servers
The purpose of this thread is for everybody to familiarize with each others' preferred servers and gametypes. I realized that there are now 120 servers to play on, so seeing another member from [UNCE] in-game is growing increasingly rare. Hopefully this thread will change that. Please post your name, what servers you're usually on, and when.
Name: FriedRice
Favorite Servers:
12-Taek Kyon
Normal online time: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. GMT - 4:00
Name: Masterppv
Servers: Jousting and sumo
Time: on vacation
You can use this post as a model. Be sure to indicate the number of the server, because different servers can host the same gametype.
Last edited by Beeh; Jun 29, 2008 at 03:43 AM.