[G]enetic is recruiting!
Your application must be in order, but first, remember that I do not want excuses like: I want to get into this clan because it is beautiful.
It will not immediately accepted, then give a good reason and make a good application, good luck!
What is your real name?:
What's your nickname in the game?:
How old are you?:
What belt are you?(min. black belt):
You have been invited to join in this clan?:
What is your GMT?:
Tell us about yourself:
Replay (2SP 2MP):
If you will be accepted, you will be tested in this mod:
Aikido.tbm, Kickbox.tbm, Wushu.tbm.
And you save the replays of every challenge and their posters.
Last edited by Hamra; Sep 15, 2011 at 07:13 AM.