Secret Santa 2024
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Replays for clan video

I need your best replays for a sick clan video...

Here are the rules...

-I need at least 4 replays per member (if you happen to have very quick matches I may ask for 5)
-Multiplayer matches are a must (this video will show case us as a clan of savage player)
-I will accept 1 single play replay per member (as your intro piece to your spot in the video)
-Emoting during match is fine (I can, and will take them out via /opt hud) [I also don't record sounds from the match]
-Any mod will do (just make sure it's nothing too crazy please)
-I also need 1 headspin replay from as many people as I can get. (I'm making a head spin section in the video)
-And make sure they are your best replays (this video is to show case our many skills and talents as a clan)
-Please don't Key Frame your replay before giving it to me... I will do the Key Framing when I screen capture it...
- and lastly, make sure that the replays you are giving me are your replays. (I don't want to find out that you used a replay belonging to someone else)

Alright people, get on it... I need these replays... I'll let this post go for 3 weeks before I close it (maybe longer), so get 'em in A.S.A.P. but don't rush yourself... I want this video to be great...

Post your best replays on this thread...

Thank you all, this should be fun!

If your name is listed below, I have your replays.
Last edited by MerCulies; Sep 18, 2011 at 02:27 PM. Reason: New rule
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime