Is it truly Useless?
Ever wonder to yourself what is truly useless?
Technically, nothing is truly useless, it always has a benefit to something, or someone, somewhere, no matter the circumstances.
The definition of Useless is " Not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome."
This is why I've always had the evil eye when something is deduced "useless", such as a post or a question asked, even if it really is a rather unorthodox question or comment, it will aid other people in some way and will actually serve its purpose.
Immediately or other-wise, something is affected.
Say, I had a question deemed useless, and it was left un-answered. How would that benefit anyone? What is the desired purpose or true outcome? Nothing. Calling something useless would be the same as abandoning a trash can. You might not want it, but there's someone out there that will need it. Plus, the person asking the aforementioned question will never be enlightened with an answer. Which is the same as leaving the trash can to gather dust while someone is actually in need of it.
Nothing is accomplished, therefore nothing is gained, and because of someone else's negligence to a comment or post, or trash can, it has to be abandoned because someone cannot find an immediate use for what is being proposed. When in reality, that post, or trash can, etc. actually does have a use.
And if you believe that your own opinion comes before anyone else, that, my friend, is an indirect form of Communism. And we all know how great that is and how it obviously benefits everyone. /sarcasm
So tell me, are things truly useless? Give an example, a story, anything. Try to prove me, or yourself, wrong.
I find this topic intriguing .