Secret Santa 2024
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Lets be proud with our clan!!! XD
I was just thinking that DAT is a clan that allows black members when they are good they join for a month. During that month their name gets alot of reputation because its in DAT and then they leave to join or make a clan.
(because then its possible for them)

At one side we can be happy that we have alot of members and giving them chances to join us before they join others but at the other side we lose some good people and we'll stick with our formal crew... wich is good but not great because someday they'll stop playing too.

But if we look at other clans then we are the most active and organised one XD.
As I speak from what I've seen at other clan forums.

So jepoy ;) you are doing great controlling the clan. No not only jepoy XD also all the other members, captains,etc.

I think we should say:" We are proud to be in DAT and we are GOOD!"

Well done DAT!!!