Will smoking send you to hell?
Well I just thought of this yesterday and, well, its bothering me.
As far as religion is concerned, suicide = you going to that dark hot place called hell. From what I have heard if you commit suicide you go to hell. Now Whats bothering me is "put yourself in this position". Youre a smoker, you chain smoke every day of your life, One day you get a phonecall...the diognosis, Cancer. Due to exxesive smoking. You feel all bad because you know if you hadnt smoked chances are this would not have happened.
So a couple of months down the line you are in your deathbed and one day...3....2...1....flatline. After youre gone you reach those old pearly gates of heaven, youve been a good person all your life never done any evil. And God says."Youre going to hell" You cannot believe what you are hearing. The reason Gad says "suicide" You wonder what he means by this and you are in total disbelief.
So the bottom line is, If suicide is punishable by going to hell.....Would God send us there if your Choice of starting to smoke led to your death. Therefore would God deem this as suicide.