The merge with [Coffee]
-I had around 3 hours of spare time and I thought I'd just add this to our lovely forum while I had nothing else to do-
This is nothing to do with the actual merging, I'd just like to hear all your opinions on the merge, because of the difference in the GMT's it's a little difficult to get a flowing conversation going in IRC, so I thought this way it could still keep the structure of a conversation without the annoyance of people logging in and out constantly.
Any members from [Coffee] are also free to join the conversation.
So yeah, I'd like to know all opinions based on this and I'd like the other members to also see each other's opinions, this way we all know what we think and will make this little merge scenario a little easier to register.
As for my own personal opinion, I like the idea. This way it benefits both clans with new members who all have their own uses, whether that be art, in-game skill, moderation etc.
I personally can't wait to see what the artists of Coffee have to offer, it's always nice to see help others out with their art or even get some more feedback on your own.
Overall, there are more beneficial assets that this merge will bring than non-beneficial one's.
(If you vote on the poll please elaborate on your decision in a comment/post in this thread.)
Last edited by Rainbowz; Nov 13, 2011 at 09:32 AM.