View Poll Results: The new leaders of [Hunters] should be ?
0 Votes / 0%
8 Votes / 40.00%
2 Votes / 10.00%
We don't need new leaders.
6 Votes / 30.00%
7 Votes / 35.00%
4 Votes / 20.00%
1 Votes / 5.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 20. You may not vote on this poll
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IMPORTANT STUFF >>> Leaders poll.VOTE !
So,I think it's time for another leader poll.You have two votes,but you can use only one if you want the current leaders to stay.The votes are public,so only votes by members or single allies will count.The poll will end in a week or when everyone has voted.Only people I feel will be a good fit for the position are in the poll(based on activity and characteristics),and this time you have the option to vote that the current leaders stay.Last time we didn't and a lot of people didn't vote because of it >_>

You can't vote for yourself.
If you use more than two votes,none of them will count

wiirus isn't included,because in the past he has stated he has no desire to lead.

It is now the time for you to vote
Last edited by lordtiger; Nov 25, 2011 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Added rules.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: