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[P]information thread

-Don't spam
-No flaming
-Use a ''[/invade]'' tag when you are posting as
someone anonymously from the clan
-Use good and proper grammar
-Don't insult,offend or discriminate other members or
people in this forum
-Put big images in to a ''Spoil''
-Use the applications provided for posting a alliance agreement
and joining our clan.
-Don't be-ally us if we don't know you
-Try to keep posts in the sticked threads longer than 10 words
-Read the subject before posting
-Do not attempt to troll this thread/clan
-Don't open threads without asking one of our moderators

-Earn 50k in the clan bank-[Achieved]
-Earn 100k in the clan bank-[Achieved]
-Earn over 200k in the clan bank-[Achieved]
-Earn over 50k in donations from outsiders-[Achieved]
-Win an event -☐
-Win a clan war-[Achieved]
-Become one of the top 3 clans-[Achieved]
-Have 20 allies-[16/20]
-Become/Apply for officialness-[Achieved]
-Stay alive for one year-[2/12]

-Slanesh-10000 tc
-Slanesh-18000 tc
-ICo0n-2000 tc
-1543-12500 tc
-BillyRuben-10000 tc
-Kyou-11000 tc
-Vsauce-10654 tc
-Toxico21-16000 tc
-Clipsall-10000 tc
-Mocrogunz-834 tc
-BillyRuben-53,072 tc
-BillyRuben-39,999 tc
-War-3871 tc

Clan bank

No Mercy (Clan Ally)
Monkey (Clan Ally)
Crab (Clan Ally)
Business (Clan Ally)
Epic (Dead Clan Ally)
Electric (Clan Ally)
Pro Ninjas (Clan Ally)
X (Clan Ally)
Pencil(Clan Ally)

Diltoriya(Single Ally)
ExtremeNil(Single Ally)
Clipsall (Single Ally)
Fear091 (Single Ally)
War (Single Ally)
MocroGunnz(Single ally)
ToxiK(Single alliy)

Rules for recruiting
Rules for recruiting:
at least 5 votes with clear statements
so dont post
No just because the rest said yes
or yes because yes
after that the leaders take a decision or will give the final verdict
(taking into consideration what the members have stated/ their views)

Last edited by Slanesh; Dec 23, 2011 at 10:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump