Age: 13
Belt (Minimum is black):4th Dan Black,Belt
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? :Very happy
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?:Beacause this clan has got alot of good members. Including 2pro4you
and i want to be
dedicated To this clan and want to be apart of it.
Are you recommended by one of our members:Yes 2Pro4You
Favorite/Best Official Mod:WushuPro Wushu
Special skills:In The Outside World:Art,Textures/Shapes.
Examples of that skill: Art: ShapeMaking,Shadeing
Previous Clans:VorteX,42.
Favorite Forum:News
Toribash organizations Affiliated With:None
Do you have an alternate account:None
Location:Kentucky East.
Level of forum activity:Atleast Checked Every day 1 Time
Number of infractions:0