[STD] Mega's Shop of Ultraness
Yup, this is my shop. Shitty name yea i know but what can ya do about it when the economy is pure shit nowadays.
No spammy, me no like spam. Makes me angry
You offer first
Tell me if you're buying or selling
Don't offer with shit that you don't have
Note: Break these rules and I'll never buy from you EVER again. And i have good memory, lets hope you do too a remeber these rules
Pretty much everything i own, here are the links:
Tc/Qi Amount
Im pretty much buying anything (art, flames, joints textures. All that good stuff) except misc unless they're uber cheap. That means no user text, grip colors, ghost, bloods, dq rings timers and other shit like that
Here Are Screenies of the flame:
Originally Posted by
[b]hand textures both 970tc
Have phun
Last edited by Leaf; Dec 28, 2011 at 11:47 PM.