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Originally Posted by trikskier View Post
Facade why don't you lead a successful clan you hypocritical fuck. And I'm just stating what's true so you can all fuck off. I'm not stealing members, this clan is dead, and shitty anyways. It was great, it had it's glory days, until kevin fucked it up. If you can't see that, then you're not a good leader.

Are you an absolute imbecile? I never claimed to run a successful clan, but if you're going to criticize the leader and act like you can do better, now that's hypocritical. Trikskier, you're extremely immature, idiotic, egotistical, and ignorant. Go away. Clearly you can already see pretty much no one wants you here, usually people with a dying clan would do the honorable thing and help the clan live or discuss things out with the leader, stop blaming Keving for all of SyN's faults, he wasn't the only one in the clan. All the members are at fault, including yourself.
what am i doing here