The heavenly sky
Goes way up high
The deadly hell
May ring a bell
What side you take
Is a choice you must make
When two worlds form
And people are torn
Hell is in the east
And heaven is in the west
We work together
From the heaven to the nether
We Are DreamScape
Hey guys! Yeah, my name is Lumpysolo. Many of you probably know me as Gavin though (I'm looking at you thepureone). I have been in toribash for about 4 years now. My old account got hacked so I had to make a new one (this one of course). I have the Clan Graduation achievement and have been in many clans. I was a leader in PureDark, the leader of TLOD, I was in Pandora for a bit and I was a moderator in Pure (I miss you guys ). I have lots of experience and I am here to help this clan succeed.
~Spot Open~
Hi guys, I'm Clay. I'm a quite young Toribash player and an active forumite from Finland. What I lack in playing skills, I add up a little in replays and art & textures. You can contact me on Minecraft forums as Cycle and on Skype as vaahtovanukas.
~Spot(s) Open~
~Spot(s) Open~
~Spot(s) Open~
Please fill out this form:
How long you have been playing toribash:
Are you ingame a lot (saying no is okay, we do need forum people):
Are you in IRC a lot:
Past clans:
Why do you want to join DreamScape?:
Do you know who I am?:
If so, from where do you know me?:
Do you like pie?:
Please make a brief summarization of yourself. See example of mine under "God" (look for the spoiler called "lumpysolo")
-Fundamental Rule
1. Follow all the standard rules in Toribash and Laws of your local gov.
-Standards of purity
2. No flaming/hating/spamming on desc, in-game or in IRC.
3. No racism of any kind.
-Rules for Clan Managing
4. Any culture is allowed to join. Lumpysolo shall translate anything for anyone (He is the language expert).
5. If u are caught using an alt for:
--a. joining a different clan
--b. hacking
without porper reason, you will be permanently banned from Toribash (IP can be verified).
6. Trying to take another person's spot is not allowed.
7. PM a leader/co-leader beforehand when:
--a. absent for more then a week
--b. missing a meeting, match or war
otherwise you may be kicked due to inactivity.
-Inter-clan Rules
8. If anyone (in or not in the clan) is witnessed against the standards of purity, report him/her to the clan.
9. Allies:
--a. must be trustful, respectful and willing to help us
--b. are people who seek purity but cannot join us for some reason
1.get 5 members[ ]
2. Get 10 members[ ]
3. Get 10k in bank[ ]
4. Get 20k in bank[ ]
5. Get 50k in bank[ ]
6. Become official[ ]
7. Win a clan war[ ]