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The More You Know
lengthy read, but this is how (in the best of my knowledge) use admin powers AND teach a lesson in racial sensitivity

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[01:19:20] Daylight95: I was banned after I already agreed to stop saying a word. It was like 10 minutes after I stopped saying it. I got banned
[01:19:26] Daylight95: Even another admin was using it.
[01:20:14] avwave: oh, i havent even started abusing
[01:20:24] avwave: wait til you go on the forums with your act
[01:20:46] Daylight95: So why did you ban me after I stopped. Any why are you threatening me?
[01:20:59] Daylight95: and*
[01:21:23] Daylight95: Is there anyone higher up I can speak to? Cause this guy is clearly not capable of resolving problems
[01:21:32] avwave:
[01:21:39] avwave: higher up…
[01:21:40] avwave: hmmm
[01:21:43] Daylight95: Not clicking. Nice try
[01:22:04] avwave: Skul, hampa, … hanz0 in some cases
[01:22:13] Daylight95: Seriously though. What is your problem? Can`t handle power?
[01:22:20] avwave: slipanc probably, but then again hurr hurr hurr
[01:22:27] Tinerr: good luck
[01:22:29] Dargon: avwave: She-who-should-not-be-named?
[01:22:41] avwave: she?
[01:22:43] avwave: thats odd
[01:23:00] Viper|3dwork: daylight95: your faults was seen by more than one staff member. period
[01:23:12] Dargon: avwave: For the sake of, well I have no idea how i should adress sentinentn AI, after all. :(
[01:23:27] Daylight95: Aparantly not seeing as it wasn`t only me. Viper was saying it too
[01:23:34] avwave: sentient AI`s prefer `it`
[01:23:38] avwave: in quotations
[01:23:40] Viper|3dwork: i was saying what?
[01:23:53] avwave: Daylight95, yeah you saw how that `other goy` turned out
[01:23:59] avwave: other goy
[01:24:03] avwave: i crack myself up
[01:24:10] Daylight95: I am talkign about viper. He was saying the N word too
[01:24:17] avwave: nuggets?
[01:24:21] Tinerr: Nuts?
[01:24:33] Daylight95: All he did was kick himself. I get banned from forums aand game. Explain the forum ban?
[01:24:42] Viper|3dwork: im sure you have a nice screenshot of that or?
[01:24:48] avwave: cause unfortunately, forum ban == game ban
[01:24:58] avwave: havent quite run the kinks of that one, but it works, so me
[01:25:00] avwave: meh
[01:25:22] Viper|3dwork: short explanation: ingame racism, not following staff orders, etc etc
[01:25:25] avwave: even then itdoesnt sync properly
[01:25:53] Daylight95: I am black though. I stopped using it I just protested it. Pretty sure protesting isa freedom of expression right?
[01:25:53] avwave: i`m not one for idle threats, Daylight95
[01:26:00] avwave: shame
[01:26:08] avwave: the logic is flawed
[01:26:24] avwave: YOU maybe black, but you say it to a potentially NON BLACK person
[01:26:39] Viper|3dwork: Daylight95: we told you more than one time that we don`t allow the n-word anywhere. you didn`t followed the order so the ban is legit. got it?
[01:26:45] Daylight95: So. What is the problem? The word was made to offend black people.
[01:26:50] avwave: yup
[01:26:58] Daylight95: I did follow the order though. Cause I stopped saying it
[01:27:04] avwave: too late
[01:27:13] Viper|3dwork: ^that
[01:27:14] Daylight95: That`s childish.
[01:27:20] avwave: i`m pretty sure you know the standard operating procedures here, now
[01:27:32] avwave: wait out the 7 days, complain then use an alst
[01:27:32] Viper|3dwork: your acting was childish
[01:27:37] Daylight95: Really is. I expect this from minecraft server admins, not a gamer like toribash
[01:27:37] avwave: which gets banned somehow
[01:27:41] avwave: cycle repeats
[01:27:48] Dargon: There`s also whinebox.
[01:28:02] avwave: enjoy your stay at the inherently flawed system we set up in here at toribash
[01:28:09] Daylight95: Is there no one here who isn`t a childish fool?
[01:28:17] avwave: you could find solace in the system the Government uses, if you so wish
[01:28:51] Viper|3dwork: `Racisim, illegal pornography,
snurf material and anything that is widely regarded as illegal is NOT allowed anywhere on any of our services.
Failure to abide by these simple rules, will result in your termination. `
[01:28:57] avwave: oh man, how does minecraft do it
[01:29:07] avwave: we should totally copy their system of administration
[01:29:07] Viper|3dwork: (and there`s still the typo in it..hehe)
[01:29:11] Dargon: Daylight95: That`d be me, but I`d just send you further to future.
[01:29:28] Daylight95: You really need better admins here. You guys are all butt-hurt. So you really think you are something special because you enforce rules on a free to play kids game?
[01:29:46] avwave: nope
[01:29:55] Daylight95: Well you sure as hell act like it.
[01:30:08] avwave: didnt ban you cause I was hurt, i went in there cause someone else was hurt
[01:30:13] avwave: i do my job
[01:30:33] avwave: though it pains me that racist slurs are prohibited, i must do as the tos says
[01:30:38] Daylight95: Who was `hurt` and someone liek that needs to get off the internet then if bad words offend them
[01:30:41] avwave: so, no smurf pictures
[01:30:52] Dargon: avwave: But they`re so blue!
[01:30:55] Viper|3dwork: Daylight95: normal procedure: we get a report, we check it, we take action..that what we did with you. end of the file
[01:30:56] avwave: i say we ban Ohio an Iowa
[01:31:13] Tinerr: those are funny names for places
[01:31:28] Daylight95: Who decided that swearing was against the rules then? Or saying the n word. Is he 12?
[01:31:32] Viper|3dwork: avwave: but not nevada please
[01:31:46] avwave: Daylight95, the guy who wrote the TOS… i`m guessing hampa
[01:31:49] avwave: or gman
[01:31:52] avwave: or someone other
[01:31:53] Tinerr: Daylight95, the people writing those ToS you clearly accepted.
[01:32:08] avwave: it actually displays when you install the game
[01:32:15] Daylight95: From a personal perspective, admin rights asside. Can you not see why I am mad.jpg?
[01:32:34] avwave: we have rights?
[01:32:36] avwave: cool
[01:32:36] Sagemsk: Hello
[01:32:42] avwave: i demand payment for my services
[01:32:43] avwave: NOW
[01:32:58] Daylight95: Right to ban, yeah. And rights to use the n word as you or that viper previously stated
[01:33:18] avwave: ninja please.
[01:33:25] Daylight95: Having a right doesn`t mean you get payed.
[01:34:01] Daylight95: But seriously. Can you not see why I think this is dumb that the n word is against the rules.
[01:34:29] Daylight95: If people don`t like the word, they should just grow up and deal with it
[01:34:37] Boon is now known as afkoon
[01:34:49] avwave: yup
[01:34:55] Daylight95: It doesn`t actually hurt someone. This is the internet, It`s not like what I say has an effect on someone.
[01:34:56] avwave: you should also grow up and stop using it
[01:35:02] Tinerr: I said the same when I shot that guy the other day
[01:35:07] avwave: tit for tat? hombre?
[01:35:34] Daylight95: No. cause an adult would not care about swear words. It is a childish attituted to say `that`s a bad word!`
[01:36:10] avwave: nope, i tell people to man up to swearing and insults, but i also tell people to stop using it
[01:36:40] Daylight95: So as a regular guy. Do you agree there is nothing wrong with `bad words`
[01:36:57] Sagemsk: Excuse me, what happened with Vox?
[01:37:06] avwave: Sagemsk who knows
[01:37:15] avwave: we`ve got a beef with him right now
[01:37:55] avwave: opportunity to cool off, Daylight95
[01:38:02] avwave: wait it out and i might decrease the ban time
[01:38:24] Gum_ is now known as Gum
[01:38:49] Vodka: I wonder who`s more childish, a 5 year old or someone who got mad because they got banned on a game...
[01:39:11] Daylight95: Not mad. Just confused
[01:39:43] Appulz ([email protected]) joined the channel.
[01:39:44] Sagemsk: I found Vox is banned :(
[01:39:51] Daylight95: And banning is a consequence, so it is clearly intended to make people mad so they don`t offend again.
[01:39:54] Appulz: Hey wtf I was ban by a bunch of racist mods.. someone help?
[01:40:17] avwave: greaeaaaat, here we go again
[01:40:31] avwave: i had prime lecturing material awhile ago now YOU showed up
[01:40:31] Appulz: Oh look this guy, dude you ban me AFTER being racist to ME
[01:40:40] avwave: back of the room, feller. i`ll start over
[01:40:42] Appulz: I never said the N word and that was your reaosn for it
[01:40:58] avwave: replacing g with q doesnt make it any less appealing
[01:41:04] Appulz: That wasn`t me
[01:41:07] Appulz: ......
[01:41:16] avwave: mmhm
[01:41:16] Daylight95: Yeah, that was me.
[01:41:20] Appulz: See...
[01:41:28] Daylight95: It`s how we say it IRL
[01:41:44] avwave: and would it kill you to NOT use it in real life as well?
[01:41:49] Appulz: And you were clearly being racist to me because i`m black in real life?
[01:41:53] avwave: that kind of talk is libel to get you shot
[01:41:59] Appulz: You were being racist to me
[01:41:59] avwave: or shivved in the kidneys
[01:42:09] Appulz: Not If I shoot them first
[01:42:17] Daylight95: No. But I am black. So I use it so people think it won`t offend me.
[01:42:21] avwave: bravado.. charming
[01:42:25] Appulz: Yeh we`re black anyway xD
[01:42:39] avwave: Appulz, Daylight95 i understand you being black
[01:42:43] avwave: fact, i dont care
[01:42:46] Appulz: Aight
[01:42:51] Appulz: So why you so racist to me
[01:42:51] Sagemsk: BTW, in russian language the N word is used always and it`s not rasist word
[01:42:54] avwave: youre all homogenous here
[01:43:00] Appulz: EXACTLY
[01:43:03] Appulz: ITS NOT A RACIST WORD
[01:43:09] Appulz: but he was saying other racist things towards me
[01:43:09] avwave: but being black doesnt give you license to start calling people niggers
[01:43:17] Appulz: Dude
[01:43:19] avwave: potentiallywho you are talking to may be NOT black
[01:43:19] Appulz: You were being racist to me
[01:43:23] avwave: ever thought of that
[01:43:24] Appulz: YOU were being racist to ME
[01:43:25] Daylight95: Yeah. Ite, nigger is racist nigga is not. It`s a black derivative of the word
[01:43:28] Appulz: not the other way round
[01:43:29] Viper|3dwork: oh..hi appulz. i see you got your caps key working, fine
[01:43:37] Appulz: Yeh new keyboard...
[01:43:39] Appulz: Like I said
[01:43:51] Viper|3dwork: sure sure....(whoever believes it)
[01:43:52] Appulz: I was all brb getting a new keyboard
[01:43:59] Appulz: Obviously you`re too dumb too
[01:44:01] Appulz: to*
[01:44:06] avwave: oh, burn baby
[01:44:22] Appulz: Yellow keyboard
[01:44:23] Daylight95: He has some mangy yellow one under his tv. He`s using that.
[01:44:30] Appulz: ^ yeh
[01:44:48] Appulz: cool
[01:44:51] Daylight95: Cool
[01:44:53] Appulz: See obviously racist
[01:44:57] avwave: obviously
[01:44:58] Appulz: Poi
[01:45:00] Appulz: Point proved
[01:45:03] Appulz: go hang yourself
[01:45:19] Daylight95: Yeah, that is kind of racist. I know chineese people I am offended that you would call them yellow
[01:45:19] avwave: mmhm
[01:45:37] Appulz: Yeh so like everyone just saw you be racist
[01:45:44] Appulz: Point proven
[01:45:50] Sagemsk: avwave, whay VOX is banned? :(
[01:45:55] avwave: i`ve already banned myself from the game ages ago, dudes
[01:45:58] Facade: how are death threats better than being racist
[01:45:58] Facade: :<
[01:46:02] avwave: Sagemsk i don`t know
[01:46:09] Appulz: No you didn`t
[01:46:10] Daylight95: Yup. Comsidering we weren`t even on the topic of chineese people and you bring that up. That is 100% racist
[01:46:26] Appulz: And you were being racist to me in game because I am black
[01:46:26] Sagemsk: eh... As he banned he doesn`t recieve PMs
[01:46:27] box: i like chineese people
[01:46:48] Daylight95: Me too. I was offended that he would randomly say that tbh
[01:46:52] Appulz: You were discriminating against me and my friend because we`re black
[01:46:55] Appulz: and it was offending
[01:47:00] Viper|3dwork: ok, long story short: you was catched using racism words, got a legit ban and finito.
[01:47:02] avwave: tisk tisk
[01:47:04] afkoon is now known as Boon
[01:47:06] Appulz: Viper
[01:47:09] Appulz: he was being racist to me
[01:47:14] avwave: you got offended cause i banned the only two black guys in the room
[01:47:15] Appulz: ....Can you not read?
[01:47:16] avwave: coo
[01:47:19] Appulz: No
[01:47:20] Tim: what`s going on in here
[01:47:22] Appulz: Because you were being racist
[01:47:25] Aslask: Racism.
[01:47:25] Appulz: you were saying racist things
[01:47:26] Appulz: to me
[01:47:32] Tim: Appulz: Are you agruing your ban?
[01:47:32] avwave: tim: badly formed racist conversation
[01:47:35] Daylight95: Did you not see that guy jsut be racist about Chineese people?
[01:47:36] Appulz: Yes
[01:47:43] Appulz: He was being racist to me
[01:47:43] Sagemsk: BTW in russian BLUE must more offensive word than BLACK because it means GAY
[01:47:44] Appulz: and I was ban
[01:47:56] Daylight95: We mentioned a yellow keyboard and me more or less goes `yellow keyboard I am yellow and chineese`
[01:47:57] Tim sets mode +bb Appulz!*@* *!*
[01:47:57] Tim kicked Appulz from the channel. (Do not argue bans in here, pm the person that banned you (96))
[01:48:13] avwave: this is actually hilarious, but also, my keyboard typing hand is getting a workout
[01:48:33] Tim: avwave: one hand typing?
[01:48:35] Sagemsk: he was funny
[01:48:45] avwave: … cant wait for mormons to come in here and i`ll be all atheists on them mofos
[01:49:09] Daylight95: Guys. I am offended about the chineese comments avwave made
[01:49:13] avwave: i`d like to spread out my vile ichor through all sectors of society
[01:49:30] avwave: starting with the NAACP
[01:49:31] Aslask: I am offended by your assumptions of avwave as a racist.
[01:49:40] avwave: Aslask i actually am
[01:49:46] Daylight95: Now you are being discrimanative about religious people. Will the hate ever end? I am a catholic. Offended.
[01:49:52] avwave: just not the supremacist racist type
[01:50:06] Aslask: I`m a muslim, but I`m not offended.
[01:50:16] avwave: muhammad approves your comment
[01:50:36] Daylight95: Well that`s your opinion. Other people weren`t offended over the use of niqqa but you still banend for that
[01:50:38] Sagemsk: Daylight95, are you a superman? =)
[01:50:58] Tim: Daylight95: You were banned because it`s against the rules, read the rules, follow them
[01:50:59] avwave: someone was, or else i wasnt summoned to the horrible game
[01:51:10] Daylight95: Talking on behalf of the prophet mohammad is an offensive act
[01:51:13] avwave: and god knows IRC is exempt from it
[01:51:20] avwave: unless the ToS changed again
[01:51:33] Aslask: Talking on behalf of Mohammad is actually halal.
[01:51:44] Aslask: But claiming relation to him in a physical way is not.
[01:51:46] Tim: avwave: Nope.
[01:51:49] avwave: but he`s my bro
[01:52:00] avwave: Brohammad
[01:52:13] Tim: Just like hampa is my sister!!
[01:52:27] Daylight95: Either way. avwave has offended my Chineese friends and he has offended me as a religious person. SMH
[01:52:42] avwave: are you republican, or democrat?
[01:52:49] avwave: i`d like to offend you politically as well
[01:52:51] Daylight95: Catholic. What is that?
[01:52:56] hanz0: what
[01:53:00] avwave: oh, a nonvoter i see.
[01:53:03] avwave: damn hippie
[01:53:21] Daylight95: How is this guy not getting punished? Can you not see what he is doing is wrong?
[01:53:43] Tim: Daylight95: avwave is +e from the rules.
[01:53:53] Tim: Well, most of them anyways
[01:53:54] hanz0: I have a recommendation, Daylight95
[01:53:55] hanz0: stop talking while you`re still ahead
[01:53:56] avwave: i`m actually logging this, just so i can ban myself for four months
[01:53:57] hanz0: ... relatively speaking
[01:54:06] avwave: tim: no i`m not
[01:54:14] avwave: that would be heavy
[01:54:21] Tim: shrugs
[01:54:25] Daylight95: That isn`t fair that the admins don`t follow thier own rules. Surely they are inforced because they are opinions of their own right?
[01:54:41] Daylight95: What is your recomendation? Inb4 `leave`
[01:54:50] avwave: so you havent figured out what day it is, Daylight95
[01:55:03] Tim: I`d go with shut up Daylight95
[01:55:07] avwave: it would have been easier if you know me in person
[01:55:15] avwave: not normally like this
[01:55:20] avwave: (well, not to this level)
[01:55:26] Daylight95: That`s nice. But you are not me. It`s passed 12 on april fools day. Bad luck to make jokes after then.
[01:55:46] avwave: yeah, so is wearing white pants on labor day, but thats beside the point
[01:56:07] Daylight95: I am sincerely offended that you asked of my political views just so you could try and offend me.
[01:56:13] avwave: just promise not to use slurs in passing
[01:56:20] avwave: some guys might think you mean it
[01:56:23] avwave: best to be safe
[01:56:26] avwave: wear a condom
[01:56:50] Daylight95: Well as I realised what I was doing was wrong. I will stop. I can see now how my actions effect others.
[01:56:57] avwave: good
[01:57:05] Akmal: :`D
[01:57:07] avwave: doesnt feel so good being on the other end of a racial attack, huh
[01:57:21] Nikita: I am here to cause disruption and do racist things
[01:57:25] Daylight95: Nope. I was actually offended by what you said too :/
[01:57:26] Nikita: come at me
[01:57:32] avwave: Nikita goddammit, you missed an oscar level act
[01:57:47] Nikita: lol
[01:57:56] hanz0: damn it nikita
[01:57:59] hanz0: what`s wrong with you
[01:58:16] avwave: this requires a post in the forum…. after a considerable cleanup
[01:58:40] avwave: wish appulz was here to learn a lesson
[01:58:48] Tim: Sorry about that
[01:58:51] avwave: Daylight95 unbanned, enjoy your summer, broseph
[01:58:52] Nikita: \o\
[01:58:57] Sagemsk: wow
[01:59:02] Sagemsk: Marcus is also banned
[01:59:09] Tim: is he now?
[01:59:24] Tim: oh
[01:59:27] Tim: You mean forum wise
[01:59:34] avwave: Daylight95 i apologize for being a dick, but its the best way i know to sensitize people
[01:59:36] Sagemsk: yes
[02:00:03] Tim: Daylight95: You are possibly one of the best people in #support that`s gotten help
[02:00:11] Sagemsk: what means "Stop looking at A&S boards." ?
[02:00:11] avwave: having n-word privileges just cause you are black is sort of a lame ass excuse for saying racist remarks
[02:00:13] Tim: You`ve actually learned something.
[02:00:24] Daylight95: It`s ok, friend. Thanks for understanding and teaching me a valuable lesson. I am sure Appulz will learn his lesson.
[02:01:00] Daylight95: And yeah, I see now some people might be offended because they don;t know I am black too. So it is best just not to say the word at-all


yeah, readable...
Last edited by avwave; Apr 2, 2012 at 02:40 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump