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[S/B/T/A] Sex Shop v2
Hello and welcome to another sex shop.
Here you can sell, buy and trade items, and I'll be auctioning some items too.

Items for sale

Items that I'm buying



Starting bid: 1tc
Minimum raise: 100tc
Autobuy: 1.9k
Market price: 2k
End date: 24 hours after the last valid bid.

But first, you have to check some notes:

-You offer first.
-You send the item/tc first.
-Check the market price before making an offer.
-I'll accept items and/or tc for the items for sale.
-I accept tc only as bids for the items that I'm auctioning.
-Don't go over my bugdet.

That's all folks, good luck.

Last edited by Rafael; May 19, 2012 at 05:52 AM.