[S/B/T/A] Sex Shop v2
Hello and welcome to another sex shop.
Here you can sell, buy and trade items, and I'll be auctioning some items too.
Starting bid: 1tc
Minimum raise: 100tc
Autobuy: 1.9k
Market price: 2k
End date: 24 hours after the last valid bid.
But first, you have to check some notes:
-You offer first.
-You send the item/tc first.
-Check the market price before making an offer.
-I'll accept items and/or tc for the items for sale.
-I accept tc only as bids for the items that I'm auctioning.
-Don't go over my
That's all folks, good luck.
Last edited by Rafael; May 19, 2012 at 05:52 AM.