I havn't seen a thread on this topic that isn't old so I thought I would make this.
Anyway , a little background. Evolution is the scientific theory that all life is a descendant of another animal. They would do this through mutation of their genes , for example if there was an animal that looked like a giraffe with a short neck , maybe one of those is born with a longer neck , letting them eat all the leaves previously unavailible to the short necked giraffes, meaning they are unlikely to die of starvation, meaning more time to mate , and pass on their genes, and thus on the road to being a successful animal. The biggest opponent to this scientific theory is the idea of Intelligent Design , which states all life on this planet was either created by a God , or by some outside force , and the forms of life have not changed since they got here. For a full description of evolution see
Anyway , my opinions. From my perspective, the theory of evolution is by far the best explanation for the diversity of life on this planet. It has enough evidence to be a scientific theory (scientific theories are different from common theories , see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evoluti...act_and_theory for details) and I see no reason it shouldn't be taught in schools as fact. There are fossil records that support it, not to mention we can see it happening in such things as bacteria , as they get resistant to different drugs and such.
I would like to hear your side of the arguement , with your evidence for evolution or for intelligent design. As always , keep this civil.