here is a dumb convo between me and patches, i find it entertaining. I was typing fast cuz i was so annoyed to there is a lot of typos.
Anthony Teague
about an hour agoChristopher Helka
44 minutes agoAnthony Teague
You're not a vampire they are not real
43 minutes agoChristopher Helka
do aliens exist?
42 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Not sure but it is more logical than vampires
42 minutes agoChristopher Helka
but i still believe in them. they're not the same as they're portrayed in movies and books though
41 minutes agoAnthony Teague
What proof do you have
40 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Do I have proof for everything? Jesus Christ! I just think there are people who have vampiric symtoms. Like me for example.
But buddy JJ
39 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Dude there ate no such symptoms its mentality you are sourcing upon your self stop with the weird shit dude
39 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I can believe what I want to believe.
Simple as that, so this argument is over.
37 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Are you a vampire?
35 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I'm not continuing this pointless debate with you.
But I think I am.
And that's all that matters.
32 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Well, im not going to be friends with a vampire.
32 minutes agoChristopher Helka
People who believe in vampires is like people who believe in God and other supernatural things. They can believe in whatever they want and they don't need to prove that they exist. And why won't you be friends with a vampire?
31 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Im not going to be friends with a Blood sucker and have everyone thinking im weird.
31 minutes agoChristopher Helka
If you don't be runnin your mouth about it, then ppl won't think you're weird.
30 minutes agoAnthony Teague
People already think your weird.
and you fucking posted shit on FB
Kevin told me what people said about me beacuse i hang with you.
30 minutes agoChristopher Helka
So? People are weird for believing in God.
30 minutes agoAnthony Teague
That has so much more evidence than vampire shit.
30 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Same with God
30 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Thats not even comparable dude
Vampire's have 0 evidence that they exist.
1) How do vampires come into existence?
asnwer these quesitons
before i beleive you
29 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Well, since I believe in ALL elements of the supernatural, including God, I say he created them.
28 minutes agoAnthony Teague
So vampires are born, not mad?
28 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Precisely. Just like any normal human being.
28 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Through what genetic gene pool?
27 minutes agoChristopher Helka
What do you mean? Say it in idiot terms
Like, what did they evolve from?
26 minutes agoAnthony Teague
In genetics there must be something that makes a vampire
25 minutes agoChristopher Helka
They're related to wolves, and been evolved from vampire bats and other animals that drink blood.
25 minutes agoAnthony Teague
OMG that is the dumbest shit i herd.
So a human fucked a blood sucking bat wolf?
23 minutes agoChristopher Helka
NO! They are closely tied to wolves. But evolution evolved them from blood drinking animals like bats and mosquitoes to a human that drinks blood that is called in modern society as a vampire.
23 minutes agoAnthony Teague
That is impossible if they still have human form.
Genetics does not work that way
22 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Either that or they came from the same as humans. From primates
22 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Primates do not drink blood
again your theory is false.
21 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Explain the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilization then. They offered blood to their god and drank it as an offering from their god.
Humans all have different cultures. Vampires are a subculture in society. They have human form and can live and die the EXACT same ways as any other human. The movies and books have the whole concept wrong.
Make sense now?
19 minutes agoAnthony Teague
That means nothing, it wasnt human blood you goon. Some cultures believe they should intake all of a certain product of what they killed
That is not vampiric at all
19 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Uhhh, yeah. The mayan, aztec, and incan "sacrificed" humans and drank their blood. THAT'S A FACT
18 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Dude, you cant change the definition of vampire at all.
If thats the case.
Im a fucking super sayian
cuz when im angry i get stronger.
and im a jedi because i through a peice of paper in the air and it floated a bit before it hit the ground
and im also a mutant in the xman cuz i run pretty fast
16 minutes agoChristopher Helka
You can call yourself whatever you want. Just like me and every other human.
16 minutes agoAnthony Teague
there is a difference between fantasy and real life
you need to learn to separate them.
16 minutes agoChristopher Helka
You seen Stan Lee's superhumans?
16 minutes agoAnthony Teague
are you fucking kidding me patche
your the dumbest and most gullable person i have ever me
I have now realized why you anger me so much
cuz i hate dumb people and im seeing hw dumb you are.
Yea you may be book smart but you have no common sense at all
15 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I didn't even do anything to you today. You started the whole thing this time, you should be angry at yourself.
15 minutes agoAnthony Teague
wtf is wrong with you dude
I made a mistake befriending you. but now that your my friend i want you to be normal and i want you to be liked.
Kevin is too scared to even chill with me cuz he knows you will be around and he knows people will judge you.
Be as weird as you want dude but dont be fuckign public about it.
keep that fake shit to yourself.
Never in life have doctors reported having vampires in their lab
never in life has a cop reported a murder by a vampire
never in life has a woman gave birth to a vampire
never in life has a genetisis ever analyzed ampiric gennes in cells
why do you gotta be like this man.
If there was vampires in the world the world would know
and even in the beginning of this argument, you say god created them then you said they eveloved that is the biggest contradiction because those who beleive in god do not beleive in evolution.
6 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Nobody's normal. If they don't like me for who I am, then they can fuck off. I can believe whatever the fuck I WANT. Just like people who are religious nuts. In other countries, they hate that shit. I don't blame them. People report seeing ghosts and shit, let them believe in that. NOBODY'S PERFECT!!!!! Normal has no logical definition. It just says that it's a natural state of being. That state of being is whatever is comfortable with each individual. I don't fuckin care if people think I'm weird. I'm me for a fuckin reason. And if you or anyone has something to say about that, then stfu. Because you're not normal yourself. You still watch cartoons when you're going on 21 years fuckin old. That's weird to some people. People believe in ghosts, that's weird to some people. People believe that magic and other crazy shit exists and that's weird to some people. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE! Hate me all you want, delete me and block me from Facebook, I DON'T FUCKIN CARE! I have my beliefs just like any other human fucking being. Why do I always get called the weird one, huh? I didn't do a GOD DAMN thing wrong to anybody and I get judged for the shit? wtf?
6 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I'm through with people.
5 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Bye bitch.
Im no longer your freidn
5 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I don't give two shits and a fuck about people anymore.
5 minutes agoAnthony Teague
i cant deal with you
Take me off facebook too.
4 minutes agoAnthony Teague
Dont talk to me.
take me off your phone everything
3 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Look, there is no such thing as normal. You're weird to some people, Kevin is weird to some people, Anastasia is weird to some people. We're all human and we ALL have different opinions, you have to learn to accept that.
We all have different beliefs. DEAL WITH IT!
3 minutes agoAnthony Teague
There is a fine line between weird and fuckign delusional
YOU are fuckign insane dude.
I dont want to deal with you anymore.
3 minutes agoChristopher Helka
Being different is what makes humans human.
2 minutes agoAnthony Teague
You do not have a sense of reality you are fucking insanse you need counseling.
2 minutes agoChristopher Helka
I'm perfectly fine dude. If anyone should need counseling, it's the world because they're too fucking judgemental.
about a minute agoAnthony Teague
The world is judgemental
how aboout saying that to an employer, good luck getting a job bro
Im sure alot of schools want to hire a fucking vampire.
about a minute agoChristopher Helka
I accept people for who they are.
about a minute agoAnthony Teague
I do too but your beyond that.
you are saying your something your fucking not
now take me off facebook and your phone and dont talk to me again.
27 seconds agoChristopher Helka
Ok, whatever you want.