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[DSC] [lightning fencers]
Hello all, and welcome to the Lightning Fencers. We are a simple clan who's goal is to become the best, and strongest, twinswords clan. Yet, we are also welcoming other members who preform in different mods. So please, take the time to look around the twinswords server to see me in action. ^-^

naruto2765 (Leader)
Sman9799 (Co-leader)
Deathz -Member
notingles -Member.
highwayguy -Member.

How the clan came to be:

In the stormy village of Raijaiken, there was a young man who perfected the arts of duel-weilding with two rapiers. He trained night and day, looking for the ultimate challange. One day, while walking through the forest, he found another young man, who was wearing a black shadowy trenchcoat. His eyes glowed a dark silver as he unsheathed his blade, glaring at the young man. Silently, he pulled out his twin rapiers and went in a defensive position. The mysterious stranger charged at him, wielding the blade with alot of force as he'd swing it at the young man, but he was disarmed by him. The young man kicked over the stanger and stabbed a blade through his heart, while lopping off his head. He licked the blood off of the rapiers and sheathed them, walking out of the forest. Later on, he stumbled infront of this abandoned temple and formed the Lightning Fencers, the clan grew to be a great power, and revered by most clans.

How to join:
Alright, for all the new guys here...
1: You post your stats in a reply, and such.
2: You put [L_F] in your title ingame.

1. Do not spam.
2. Respect the Leader, Co-leader, Commanders, and Elites.
3. Train often.
4. Be online as much as possible and train with the clan.

Marine Force Recon. (MFR)

Recently, I have made a website for the clan. The link is here:
Last edited by naruto2765; Jun 28, 2009 at 05:30 AM.