Originally Posted by
Obama thinks it's cool, Christianity did not invent the concept of religion, the denial of gay rights is a denial of human rights and thus is oppressive.
Christians are immoral people. To draw a simple parallel; would you say criminals are effectively immoral people, since they break the social conventions of society? I would say so. Most states do not allow criminals to vote (approx 2.5% of the voting population are disallowed because of their convictions), so why should Christians be allowed to vote?
Why am I even arguing that Christians should not be allowed to vote? Because it displays something very interesting; many people consider Christians to be as morally corrupt as criminals - if not more so! (for example, Hitler was a Christian, and he attributed his genocide of the Jewish people to be due to his interpretation of Christianity. While most Christians won't go that far, they do still hate homosexuals, women, science, and based on the odds, they probably hate you too!).
In other words, Christians have irrational hate for most people. But even if they do hate all things maybe they have good reason to, right? Well actually, that isn't how the brain works. You see, most Christians have been indoctrinated from a young age, or even if they have been later in life, it has been the result of much brain-washing. One of the core tenants of Christianity is to simply accept the beliefs of those above you without question (be it God, Jesus, the Pope, or the local boy-loving pastor). A human brain can easily assimilate an opinion, however if someone asks the owner of said brain to explain why they hold that belief, they will not answer "no particular reason", they will instead try to justify it - but since they are merely mimicking the opinions of those above them, they don't know the reasoning! This is "reverse chaining", working backwards from the conclusion to derive the hypothesis. Of course, this leads to ridiculous logic - "adam and eve, not adam and steve", "marriage is sacred", "it is an abomination for a man to lay with another man". Of course, if you "forward chain" (use the evidence to derive conclusions) then you can come to other conclusions - "incest is the way of God!", "divorce is far worse than gay marriage!", "selling your daughters as slaves is a great way to make income!". Of course, even for these ridiculous conclusions there are people who believe them too! (Ok, there probably aren't many people who sell their daughters as slaves in the west!)
To sum up, do we even need to respond to the arguments of brain-washed zombies (ironicly, I am using 'zombie' with a different meaning to the meaning that describes their savior Jesus) who don't even understand their own opinions?
RayA75's Moderated Message: |
Ok :( |
Last edited by Ray; May 19, 2012 at 03:56 PM.