Secret Santa 2024
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The camera never seemed to move around the players at all, it just stayed in the exact same angle the entire time and zoomed in or out from time to time.
I couldn't really tell if you made any sync at all, if you did, you might want to make it a little more obvious by adding in some blur effects after a hit or maybe use some slow-motion effects.
The transitions were always the same, moving the camera over abruptly and fading gets pretty repetitive after a while.
Videos like these that don't have any effects are ok and traditional, but it's extremely boring if you don't add some nice camera work or sync a few hits with the beat of the song.

The video isn't bad, I'm glad you didn't add in a whole bunch of invert and threshold effects like some video makers do. But trying to be a little more creative with the camera angles and zooming in a little more could make your future videos a lot better. =)