Christmas Lottery
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vend3r's story
once muffinz were explode cheese sauce fgts nudlz. Notywq waffle skated friggateers all pewpew penises on pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniousis /b/tard chiknz dogs anuses WTF
every1's mouth Guv'na eated pickles til midnight bork cocaines lemon WTF is blargh phallic racecar cocking pickles headshot RAPE ME till sex becomes pain that hurts very much on my little area that ejaculates poe. Turtlez Goatse'd sex. FLAMINGO! People are jackasses because penar. suck this piece of penur HARD! CANDY! Soft penis in my nostril are kewl... but, I stupinated Stupinator's ball uranus is kinda small tampon on Notywq's vagina causes troubles that should Destroy America Cruely D:< Really gay are AWESOMEO!!!,sucks aff muffinbombers by that fucker who killed my homosexual cuzzin with AIDS. Don't mess shitz up balls cactus crotchblast several homos danced and twirled whilst eating penis flavoured candy. Whassup? supercalifragilsticexpialidociousifying orgasm. Jesus loves a penis sized saint with ballz0rz. You fail miserably in toribash.. and at life, plus minus little dipshit ran away to PISS THIS asslickin donkey fart. culapou. Jugglers who PENISED baby DeSeRtPuNk!!! Sweet failure is veb's specialty. ATE! Whassup? Nothin fat, LOOK at that butt of that hamster, gawd without those penars my Vaglazor would explode violently with culapou unscrupulously. Epicsauce pen0r pee-pee va-jayjay randompenys ate muh durgledoo flavoured FGTS. Then culapou said: "OH... MY... MUFFIN....looks.... SO RAPED MAN."
soop IS Pen0r licking almond. Deoxyraiboneuclayicacid Termolophodidical DICTIONARY floccinaucinihilipilification moose fail RoboNoob FAILS, not my penis. Stapler BATMAN was shattin! Butt holeymoley doodlenuggetz will SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! Bing-bang-bing my schnitzle went BOOM! SHALAKA-BOOM!! tHEN BOoOoOoOoMM!!! titty-fuck are kewl... Amazing.... 4real...yummy pussy! Dildos & cola = sticky vagina. ROFLMAO!!! Gay Cumballs nutz blow up supercalifragilisticly in Hellz SATANS doodoo pile. Later a motherfucking kangaroo raped muh Ass and pissed in muh mouth. After that I got molested by a bird...ok? No...than kyou!than kyou! after that muffinz were in the hands of the united goverment which forced the fricken assholes of democrazy to fuck each other in the buttery asshole ?-o yea
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