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Age: 13
Belt (Minimum is black): Black close to Dan
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? :Very happy... I am very good at Wushu and Judo
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): This calm seems very active in the forums and I also make head textures but don't like to sell them by my self so I would like someone to help sell them for me... I will let you guys have most of the Tc.
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : I have played a few players from this clan... they were very good... I beat them 3/4 times... but no recommends.
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ?: I have and I accept
Favorite/Best Official Mod: Wushu
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it): Making Head textures
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 would be nice):

I have many more
Previous Clans(if any): ReflexZ
Favorite Forum(if any):I Don't have one... Other then checking out art and textures.
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any):-
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) :I only use on account...
Location: Colorado
Level of forum activity(Important!): Medium
Number of Infractions:none