Hello everyone, I'm learning how to edit in Adobe After
Effects CS6. I want to gradually learn more and more and I plan on doing that
by starting this video series. I want to progressively become better at syncing
and effects, and better my eye at this stuff. I'd appreciate constructive criticism,
thoughts, and comments on ways to improve. Submit your replays [HERE]
I'll try to do these every 7 days. SUBSCRIBE TO THIS THREAD SO YOU DON'T MISS THE VIDEOS!
My thoughts: Pretty much a shitfest of me testing effects. I need to learn how to use Twixtor properly so I can sync replays the right way. The next video will probably have a common theme in it. So common colors, no sporadic effects, and I think it'll turn out really great.
Week 3 [Monday August 13, 2012]
Week 4 [Monday August 20, 2012]
Non-Weekly Toribash Videos
Not doing week 5, ending the series here. Thanks for watching, stay tuned!
Last edited by Slycooper; Aug 30, 2012 at 07:42 PM.