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Strange things u do Before/while/after playing games
so.. me just came this ider for a thread... i want to know what for STRANGE! things u do before/while/after playing a game of any sort. maybe toribash or maybe counter strike or whatever.
but what do i mean with strange? oke. as example :
after i lost a round in Counter Strike i open skype and write everyone that im a noob (ok, thats not verry strange but its a way...)
i dont want things like :
while i play counter strike i hear metal
thats to normally..

so ima start.
everytime i play osu! i smash my space bar to skip the intro.. (with smash i mean ill press it multiple times pretty fast)

thats so far the "strangest" what i do. let me know what strange things do u do. and maybe ill find something more..

also please keep this clean. not too much offtopic things about the games.
(i also hope this type of threads are allowed. and here is the right place if not move it pls :o)
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