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Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Yes, you read the title right. This thread is for all the people who want to post their on opinion and matter about the game.

My opinion. Counter Strike is such a successful game franchise, from CS 1.3 to CS:S. I truly loved Counter Strike from top to bottom, the idea of real teamwork and other things was really original(no sarcasm in there). Now, CS:GO. Its pretty much the same(as always)and same idea, I loved the other weapons and the new molotov that can REALLY help in situations. The thing that made me almost grab my money and get to the stores is that... It went out for consoles, and please NO fighting about PC is better than consoles, blah blah blah, because I dont like fighting. Getting Counter Strike on the console is the thing I always wanted, because I didn't have to worry anymore of the game would work on the laptop/desktop, that always worries me.

I know, PC is much, much better than the consoles. Better graphics, more servers, etc etc.

But seriously, I personally think the whole Counter Strike on consoles is pretty awesome, I always wanted a FPS game like Counter Strike on my console.

Now enough about consoles, this time about the game. Global Offensive looks really good, the graphics have changed, more weapons and some of the maps have new places, there's just one thing that i'm hoping for. The Mod Community, imagine on the PC(sorry console users) STEAM WORKSHOP, we'll be able to make our own maps and who knows.. Maybe even skins.

Anyways, score. CS:GO 8/10
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