(Blood) Blood
The blood is dripping.
Welcome to the clan [Blood].
The blood is dripping! We are the killers of the human race. We came to this planet to make as much blood as possible. We rip limbs, eat brains, cut people, whatever it takes to draw blood. We are not crazy, we just love to kill. Prepare yourselves for the army of killers and be ready to see the blood.
Recruitment is now open!
Your real name(optional):
Your belt(if you have bought qi say so):
In-game activity 1-10:
Forum activity 1-10:
Irc activity 1-10:
What skills will you bring to this clan?(Art, Replay maker, ect.):
Why do you want to join this clan?(Be specific please):
Who recruited you if anyone?:
Three best mods:
Two of your best replays:
Welcome everyone, I'm glad to see you.
Enjoy the blood, it's dripping.
Last edited by PiePwn; Aug 28, 2012 at 01:38 AM.