Secret Santa 2024
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last request, probs 4evs
oh god, my last request? you cereal? yeah i am this is more then likely my last request EVER so dont miss out, theres gunna be a nice prize in it for this one!

ok, so what i want is a background (dw i found a template on google so all is kay ) I want it to be a Final Fantasy theme (as i love meh soom final fantasy), preferably from the games VIII, X, X-2, XIII and XIII-2 (if you need to, learn roman numerals, I = 1, IV = 4, V = 5, VI = 6, IX = 9, XI = 11 and so on, i could explain all the roman numerals but too lazy so :P), also, preferably featuring Squall and Rinoa (FFVIII), Tidus and Yuna (FFX/X-2), Sarah, Penelle (or however you spell it), Fang, Lightning, Hope and Noah (FFXIII/XIII-2 (Sarah and Noah from XIII-2... also can't remember if Noah or Noel, try Noah first though, pretty sure thats it)), I would also like a background, Featuring ALL of the characters mentioned, screen size is 1366x768 (this is my laptop btw) take off about 100 pixels to the left of the picture (from edge inwards) and the full way up, as that's where my start bar is. Now you may ask "whats the prize for this hmm? it seems like a lot of work that could possibly take at least TWO WEEKS to do!", the prize is 90ktc, thats right, 90,000tc, as after this request, and the one from LWafflez, i'm donating the rest to Stellar and his charity (which is a worthwile cause, helping to find a cure for child cancer (more info HERE).

So, Deadline? when/(hopefully not this one)IF i see a good COMBO (you cant just win one, you gotta win both)

Template? <-- that right there, i wish for it to be absolutly AMAZINGLY EPIC AWESOME SHIZZTASTIC, also, put my LoL name on there, Przero ONCE, top right corner.

alrighty, get to it fella's, i'm wanting it quite badly , so the faster you do it, the faster you can get me to correct any mistakes on it as well, and get my (sometimes amazingly helpful (SHOCKER)) advise, tips, and maybe a few tricks!
Last edited by Przero; Aug 31, 2012 at 08:33 AM.