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READ - This is whats happening/happenend.
Firstly, i will say that in the last few hours, ive had to question whether i am really needed in this clan, and if im actually contributing enough to be called 'leader'. When sa1uk left TB (not permanently i hope), i thought to myself if i should leave too. All the happenings recently, goons, this new 'update', and some other things have put pressure on me. I thought about leaving and creating a new clan, more strict, less members, more active members etc. Then i spoke to kraetyz, bezurker, iceshadow, and xHurricanex on MSN about it. Ive decided i will stay, running away never solved anything, and its 'my clan' after all.

Things will now be changing abit, i will be more strict, annoying me too much and you may be on the recieving end of a steel boot, flying out the door to clanless street. Inactive? forum and/or ingame, you may receive the same fate. My point, i want a better clan, more active, i want people to contribute more, as i will be doing so. I have mostly sat back and let things unfold in the clan, but now i will be deciding what happens, if i like an idea, yes go ahead, if not, NO. I may seem harsh, but its my right, i have bought alot of things for the clan, i payed for the forum, 2 servers as well. I have bought clanmates texture sets, made them textures, yet i still get moaned at by someone. I try my best to get things done, but i do have other things.

2 college projects, which will take 2 weeks or more to do, i may be inactive soon, plus its my birthday very soon, i dont want to spend my day making texture sets and being moaned at to lend someone 35k for a trail text. I like helping people, and generally being a nice guy, but i guess as a clan leader, i sometimes have to say 'NO', which to be honest, is hard for me.

Another thing... 'Zackett'. Zackett's attitude has been quite... annoying. He may be joking, but today, in my server, flaming my friend xscorpionx, that pissed me off. IT was all a fight because i said i may leave ttf/tb for a while, so zackett said 'as a joke', "oh gimme your inventory then?" or something along those lines. I said no, xscorpionx got annoyed at zackett, it turned into a flame war which i stayed out of. If your going to flame my friends/clan allies, then im sorry, but im going to have to show you the door. Im tired, i don't want to be moaned at, i don't want to sit back and let this kind of crap go on, so im doing something about it.

From now, i may appear to be more of an 'asshole', but its because im annoyed, i want the clan to work, i want people to be more active, i dont want a clan full of whiners who flame each other and my out of clan friends/allies.

Lastly, tommorow im holding an activity check, don't let me know then, your in the inactive list, dont let me know your here within 3 days of that, your kicked, you may reapply to enter though, but be more active!

Summary of this post in a few words

Last edited by MysticMog; Aug 6, 2008 at 01:40 AM.
My Inventory/Activated Items
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