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University starting for me in 1 month, and during this month I am doing a higher maths preparation course. I haven't posted anything the last months - that won't change. But I will also stop lurking here and reading threads. I have also successfully uninstalled tb.

As you might have noticed I've quit the clan.
I will not rejoin, if I get active again in the clan business, I will search for a new place. It may happen after 1 month, or maybe never. After wannin, I am the oldest member here, and I sort of did contribute a bit to the growth of this clan, these times are over and my motivation and my ability to help are gone.

The forums I will stay active in will be t3al and GATA. And I may drop in IRC some time, who knows.

Have nice day.

EDIT: Put that SilentAssassin guy in the rank of elders instead of me, he belongs there.
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