[x] Energy
Tag: [x]
Clan name: Energy
Clan Story:
Coming soon.
Shigechio (Klux) - 3rd Dan Black Belt - Leader
PTDx (PTDBank) - 3rd Dan Black Belt - Leader
Damon1 - Brown Belt - Member
1. Recruit 10 members. [ ]
2. Get a toriclan tag. [ ]
3. Get 10k in the bank [ ]
4. Get 20k in the bank
5. Get 50k in the bank [ ]
6. Host a clan betting server/event
7. Become a official toriclan [ ]
1. Don't spam, messages must be 5 words or longer.
2. Don't use smiles, the only ones aloud are the face.
3. Do not flame/insult other people.
4. Respect your clan members as you would want them to respect you.
5. If you are kicked out the clan, don't wine about it, just leave.
6. If you feel you need ranking up, PM a leader
7. If you don't meet our requirements, don't bother applying.
We would prefer you to use freeform so we can see your creativity, you will have a higher chance of getting accepted. If you still wish to use a format, here it is.
Name (In game name):
How long have you been playing toribash? :
Previous Clans (specify):
How many bans/infractions do you have? (Do not lie, we will find out.) :
Why do you want to join Energy?:
Were you invited by anyone? :
There are no belt requirements, but we would like skilled people to join.
Also we are looking for active members so don't apply if you know you're inactive.
Our IRC is called #x.
Anyone is welcome to join unless you act like a douche bag.
Our clan bank is energyMod.
Anyone is welcome to donate.
Here is where the donations will be listed.
If you want to be single/clan allies, PM energyMod and you will either be added or rejected. Enemies won't be listed here as you'll probably know if you're hated or not.
Single Allies
Clan Allies
Last edited by EnergyClan; Sep 25, 2012 at 08:17 PM.