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(Spec) Specilization


When death invites, bring cupcakes
We are Specilization. We may be a small force to begin with, but we will rise over all.

This clan was founded when three friends, or allies, came together to make become a greater force, a clan. Wether or not it will work, will be based on how this clan goes. That is how it started, and we don't know how it'll end. We are Specilization



To join simply post an app and you have to get accepted by either me, wiingz, or xtermix. Our expectations are indeed high, for we are a small group. Try your luck and apply or get rejected and move on.

The mods we focus on are Wushu (wushu4.tbm), Ninjutsu (ninjutsu.tbm), and any sword based mods, but not twinswords.


APPS GO: (in our main thread)

Your rank is based on the type of reserve or 'force' you are, Rankups cost 2000tc, send the tc to '(coming soon)' Don't forget to tell us you donated!

Single Allies


Last edited by RipXmazeX; Nov 20, 2012 at 11:59 PM. Reason: suck mah dick
im a genius