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Aw gee whiz I wasn't paying attention. I'm going to get right on it.

Elate - Your first 2 replays were great, they had great flow and purpose. A third like those would most certainly get you in. However, spars are multiplayer and are thus not allowed, unless you are controlling both uke and tori.

Bloodmach - Your first replay had a solid first kick, but sort of lost steam after that. There was too much of an awkward pause between the first and second hits. The hits up to the hook at ~530 were good, but the one at 530 was a bit messy and ugly. After that, you did a bit of seemingly unnecessary wobbling to get to your pose. The second replay, I liked that you decided to take your time with the opener, because that can look great when you do it well. However, it got a bit stagnant at the pose starting at around 630. The backhand and hook were good, but you want to avoid hitting your head on your replays, it looks bad. Also you closed your leg on the hook twice, which is generally something you want to avoid. Going into the pose on this one was very good, however. On the third replay, I don't think you used your opener to its full potential, which is a problem when you decide to go for a rather used opener like that one. While your hits were generally good, I think you could've used the rest of your body better to make it more interesting. Overall, it's a no for now, but you've got potential.

VSauce - First replay's opener was very cool, it looked like you were walking on the moon. However, my classic pet peeve of grabbing before your first dm strikes again. I personally don't like it when people do that, because it gives the impression that you didn't work hard enough on your opener to set yourself up right. That being said, your hits were good, but that grab before your second kick killed the flow a bit. Other than those things solid replay. The second replay was fucking great, almost nothing wrong with it. The spin on the last replay was good, but I feel like that first kick could've been more solid. Nice boom on the second kick, and I love the balance on the last one. I would have preferred that you get the decap on that one, but I'll let it pass because it would've probably ruined the flow if you went to get it. Overall, give me a good replacement to the first one and you're in.

Lopsin - Oh shit that first replay was nice. Very good hook, and very good spinning to get into a solid pose. Love it. On the second replay, that split was a bit ugly, and I would've preferred that you either move the kick so it's looking like you're kicking his abs, or get some other dms with it. After that split it was very good, with a solid decap and again with great spins at the end. In the last replay, it was hard to tell what you were going to do, but not in a good way. The split didn't have much power behind it, but the decap was nice. Also it was sort of ugly how you held into your pose before you landed. Overall, your replays are so so very close, but I'm going to give a hesitant no. If you apply again with just a bit more polish to your replays, I'll let you in without a doubt.

Lololerz - You grabbed before your first hit, which I don't usually like, but you made it work very well in this replay. The second boom and skeet both looked great. A bit twitchy into the pose, but overall excellent. The split in your second replay looked awkward, and there was a bit too much of an awkward pause between the second and third hits, but other than that I can't really find any major faults. Very nice second replay. That uppercut lift in the last replay was sexy as hell, and your hits after that were all great, especially that double core. Overall, I think these replays are good enough to let you in. Congratulations, and welcome to ORMO.

17april - Your first replay was looked pretty nice, but there were a few instances where you kind of froze up for a bit and messed up your flow. A few notable examples would be at 555, 500, and 370. Other than that nice replay, except a bit messy. The second replay was nice, but I wish that self decap had more of a purpose rather than to throw it and then throw something else at it. It also seemed to be an accident, and you want those self-harm things to be clearly intentional. Nice hits though. Light Symphony was great, no real big flaws with it. Overall, I'd say that you have great hits, but not much else, with the exception of that last replay, which was amazing. So a no for now, but keep making things like Light Symphony and I'll love you.
Last edited by Larfen; Oct 4, 2012 at 02:00 AM.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~