Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by Felepeno View Post
Now something interesting happened to me today that may relate to this topic, Sadly not with the current conversation in it. Anyways -- Today a friend of mine, announced that her religion is Judaism, Now i don't really mind and i just kind of went on from there. but after that, She started to hand out flyers of her church saying something about her religion.... Now this really threw me off! I didn't believe that my friend that i have had for a little over 5 years, would shove her beliefs down peoples throats. Metaphorically of course but she wouldn't stop! The school supervisor had to stop her for advertising to much. It just made me think that if their are actually people this devoted into getting people into their own religion, Are their people that fight wars over it today?

As with all people who have a certain kind of belief.Some want to convince people that this is the "right" religion etc..And, the bigger a group is..the more attached he/she will be to x religion.It's not something unusual really.

Wars because of religion?Let's just say some people use religion to guide people around, and convince them to sacrifice their life for a "cause".
Your messed up world enthrills me