What do you think my poem is about?
So yeah, before I actually tell you what the subject of this is, I want you to tell me what you think it is first, to see if I have conveyed it's message successfully
Fakeness, which prevails
is not suited to one
or the preference of two
but in masses, in unison
it exists in a great few:
Its brandishers who broadcast their grandstand intent
who proclaim and parade yet conceal discontent;
a more fictious assumption than a real detriment.
To many, it discomforts, it aches and annoys
Their ambition in direction not of intellectual poise.
Its fraudulence and persistence
they just use to convince.
Society, blinded, on first-time instance.
Yet we applaud and approve and encourage compliments
glorifying their ascendancy from long time since.
They change, they improve, they unveil long-hidden truth.
We empathize, we care, and miraculously we deduce:
That which was hidden on our first impression
Hatches through personal and emotional digression.
In their wake, we realize they are content and humble
But in concentration, we notice them bland and troubled.
From ambition to regret, we should have foreseen
Our sympathy, our hate, while the latter is lessened
We know, now, that there is no better stance than double.
We feel like them now, its effectiveness mere.
With their envied fortunes, we suddenly revere:
We can do it ourselves, we just need to know how
And so we lie, waiting,
until our lives are crystal clear.
Last edited by Deceptive; Dec 17, 2012 at 01:22 AM.