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What's your excuse? Get onto your arse.
HellRazor is just my little clan. Just a few members, it won't go over 15. I know what's going on with Phantom. Some people just need to GET OFF THEIR ARSES OR OFF W.O.W AND GET BACK TO THEIR CLAN. Seriously, Steve has like 20 members, and most are inactive. What the hell happened? I took 5 members, one of whom just joined phantom but has been my TB friend for ages. Five. What the hell are the rest of you doing? Go help him! Just because I took a FEW members does not mean you all stop playing.

Please, guys. This clan will die if you don't get on here.
It's my brother's clan and I WILL NOT LET IT DIE because of me.

So guys, how about being more newb-friendly? A lot of people have said this is a great starter clan, so advertise for some new members. No belt limit. Help out the little guys. Teach them what you know, so that they can grow into valuable players. Don't push them away because they are new.

I already asked a player I have not spoken to in a long time, Supea. I rejected him a few months ago because he did not have the right belt. He's brown now, he's a really nice guy, and I think you should let him in. Even if he isn't the best player in the world, it'll be great for him.

He hasn't been on TB for ages, because of his net connection. So don't be horrible about it, he's got a laptop.
Just take him under your wing, and teach him moves, teach him how to be a decent person, not just a good player. I have never seen a bad sport in this clan that didn't either leave, or get kicked.
Teach how to react to people like THIS:

Don't swear at them, taunt them and insult them. Beat them with intelligence.
As in the example above.

Skill, not slander.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU