Meh sly beat me to it ;d But i'm gonna throw this in anyway.
No. As in, rejected of course.
Originally Posted by
Hi im Kenta and I want to join because I like to do my moves without pressing C?
And I need some respect from other players I'm a blue belt and I love this clan.
We press C a lot ;o Also respect isn't gained by which clan you're generally in. In fact it's actually less beneficial to the clan you're in if you play like crap :v
Apart from my nay-saying and your misfortunes (lack of respect, getting hacked w/e), neither of you managed to give us the info we need, in a proper application. In a form, that is provided in the
first post. The thread title is in f*cking caps. It should really, really go without saying. But worry not, if it's any comfort, then you're not the only ones to fail on this obviously perilous step ;d. Other then that, have good one.
edit: also sly is optimistic ;d
Last edited by k6vamees; Jan 31, 2013 at 11:49 AM.