[A/B] Azurite Relax | Buying a few Joints.
Azurite Relax
Starting Bid: 25,000 TC
Minimum Raise: 1,000 TC
Auto buy: 27,500 TC
End Date: 72 hours after last bidder.
Supernova Relax
I'm buying it for around 13k.
(Got PM offer from Dasha 12k.)
Most Urgent.
Camo Force
Around 2k
Adamantium Relax
Around 2k
Juryo Force and Relax
800TC for the pair.
Gaia Force
Around 500 TC
Around 800 TC [Bought for 800 TC]
Around 2k
Around 1.5k
Around 1k
Last edited by list; Feb 1, 2013 at 03:52 PM.