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[R] 100k set request - Not a joke - Looking for good artists - Edited/Look Again
Payout: min-payout 100k (I might pay more depending on how much I like it.
^ This is for both options.

There are two options.

Option 1.

Set details:
- Decently realistic
- detailed (But not obnoxiously like on 50% of the robot sets in tb)

Set Idea:
- One half of the body being an angel and the other half being a demon (Angel=White light colors Demon= Black or dark colors. You can make it somewhat robotic but I would also like the premise of the two sides to be an angel and a demon (Maybe a demon/angle cyborg? Not sure).

To be clear:
-I want the set to have one half Demonish the other half Angelish.
- This also means I want it to be half down the middle as in, the demon on the left side (or right) and the angel on the left side (Or right).
-ALSO I want the merge between the two (Down the middle) to look decent. Don't just place the textures next to each other, actually weave them in with each other.

Option 2

I'm looking for a nice graffiti set.

Set Details:
- Not too realistic
- Somewhat cartoony
- Graffiti set etc

Set Idea:
- Colors can be your choice
- Make it both "Cute" and violent if you get what I'm saying.
- Rest is your creative choice

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to PM me. Good luck.
Last edited by Raid; Mar 15, 2013 at 09:57 PM.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale