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Originally Posted by Hack View Post
Name: Ben Morrw (Hack)
Age: 16
Belt:3rd dan (3520 qi)
GMT: +11:00
Past Clans: [Evil], [Revenge], [ultimate].
Skills:I make replays, videos, maybe one day I'll get back into making textures, I'm not to fond of marketing but I'm sure one day I will put some effort into it.

Previous Nicks: Temux
Recommendations: Cacrot, although I may know a few other members who may vouch for me, he is the only one online that I can contact atm.
Mods: Generally anything that doesn't have a huge turn frame, (judo, wushu). I do a lot of sparring and Taekkyon.tbm is my favorite standard mod.
About Yourself:I've been around this game for quite some time (since 2007) but never really stopping to grind out games and earn QI. I've also done a lot of making textures in the past.
Why do I want to join [eVo]: Evolution is a well known clan with a reputation of having experienced members that I've had my eyes on for quite some time. I believe I can fit into this clan quite nicely and I'm friends with some of you.

Yus, nothing more to be said.