Originally Posted by
What do you mean by military First Person Shooters?
Aren't most FPS games military? Give a few examples that aren't military FPS.
Military FPS have a war scenario, such as the Armed Assault (ARMA) series, Battlefield and maybe Call Of Duty, but I think that a some different category and usually you are playing a normal soldier without any special skills. This kind of games also don't really have a story beside of Team A attacked Team B and that resulted in war.
In "Regular" FPS, such as Half-Life, Bioshock, Rage, Left 4 Dead, Deus Ex, Crysis, Borderlands, Metro 2033, or F.E.A.R., you are usually on your own or maybe with a small group of people and most of the time you are following a some kind of "you are our last hope"-story.
Also, I think you are wrong if you think that most FPS are military. I'm pretty sure, that if you are looking for good military shooters, you will only find a few and you might need some time until you find them (Ofc, if you know what you are looking for, you'll find the good games quite fast), while if you are looking for a good regular shooter, you'll probably find way more in way less time.
Originally Posted by
Also recently played:
Battlefield Bad Company 2
I want to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution but don't have the specs for it!
I'm pretty sure Bad Company 2 has better graphics than HR, but idk, if you say you don't have the specs for it, well I guess the developers won't lie (Though, it might be only the recommend specs and it would work on your pc
Last edited by Pitch; Mar 27, 2013 at 03:49 PM.