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Flawless headkicks, i has them.
Quite so. Originally, i wanted a head punch too, but the occasions that did turn
up were also occasions to make an - if i may say so myself - awesome head kick,
one way or another.
I used 300 engage distance on all three replays...

Back to back head kick: So i like, turned Uke and myself around at the same
time, and kicked him in the back of the head, with a back-kick. Hence the name.

I call dibs on the head kick: In this replay, i managed to do a full 360,
and then kick Uke, hard.

I herd u liek the bottom of mah foot: The bottom of my left foot is on
a direct collision course with Ukes face. You do the maths.

Relevant comments will get you... Paella >:0
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol