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[raku] [GAME] Demon Hunter - The Second Coming

Alright ladies and gents! It's back! The game you may or may not love..

Demon Hunter

In case you don't know, Demon Hunter is a game similar to Survival Island. The game works on a 'turn' system. I decide when a 'turn' ends. Each turn is like a day in the game, and each turn end is like the night where a person is voted off, and the morning of the next turn when a body is discovered. All players will vote in this thread on who to kill at the end of the turn. However, there are Demons. These beings live to kill you. There will be up to 3 of them, and each turn they will privately vote among themselves via PM and tell me who they want to kill. Read the 'Roles' section for exceptions to this, and for other abilities some players have. Note, all roles are chosen randomly, so don't ask for one. raku members and allies are the only people that can participate. Don't sign up unless you're an ally, [ALL ARE WELCOME] or an active member. Active. Member. Active....Oh, that means you post regularly, just in case you didn't know. Active.

1.) You can lie about your role, reveal your role, or say what you want. You just cannot reveal someone else's role.

2.) If you are voted off, do not post here. Ever. Again. Do not post here if you aren't in the game either, I will poison your food with Viagra if you do, and I'd rather not tell you what I will be doing with you after that.

3.) Don't ask for other players' roles, even if you got voted off. I'll never tell. Everything where I have a choice I use a randomiser. You will get nowhere by making guesses based on my actions.

4.) If you don't vote 3 turns in a row, you're automatically killed off. If you are a demon and you don't fake vote 3 turns in a row, I will reveal to everyone that you are a demon.

5.) You cannot vote for yourself.

6.) If voting ends up in a tie, the person who is killed will be randomised, unless both want to solve it by playing rock paper scissor, playing a match on Toribash or whatever game, who can record themselves fitting the most dildos into their ass and sending the video to Adrian, etc. PM me if this is the case. Refer to rule 19.)

7.) Although the vote list on the main thread may not be completely true, you'll have to keep to it since I will be keeping a private vote list with the people with abilities' votes and demon fake votes accounted for. This means that who you think is going to get killed by the humans because of majority votes, may not actually get voted off.

8.) You cannot vote for a person on the main thread and then PM me another vote unless you have an ability that allows you to do so.

9.) None of my posts gives hint on anyones' roles. If you think they mean or imply something, they don't.

10.) The person who the demons kill's vote doesn't count.

11.) Feel free to notify me of any bugs or loophopes you find. Asking questions is also not a crime.

12.) Taking/posting screenshots of your role will be punished with death and rape in whatever order you'd like. All role messages will be revealed so that screenshots can be forged.

13.) There will be a surprise at the end of every round.

14.) Reminder than Demon's votes on the main thread do not count towards my private vote count. Although this may change in the near future, that is the rule now.

15.) A fun little something at the beginning of every round: If the priest can guess all three demons during turn 1, the captain will go on a blood rage and kill everyone except for the priest and he will win. He can do this by PM. This will not affect the game (unless he gets all three right)

16.) Turns last 24 to 48 hours, depending on how many people have voted.

17.) If you need to change your vote, you'll have to post the new vote count on the main thread announcing that you've changed your vote. You can do this strategically.

18.) Winners get a prize for winning.

19.) In a match between 1 human and 1 demon, refer to rule 6.)

20.) Break the rules and you will be forced to 1v1 the captain irl nd ill reck u m8 i swer on me mum

Player Roles:
(These are the roles that will be randomly attached to a regular player's status.)

This is the largest roles.
The Priest is the only player who cannot be privately voted off by a demon. If the Demons try to vote him off, at the end of the turn the Priest will be secretly revealed to the Demons, and the Priest will be told that the demons targeted him. The demons can choose to vote the priest off after he has been revealed. If the Priest doesn't vote after 3 turns, his role will be revealed and he will get another 3 turns. If his vote is revealed this way and the demons try vote him off, he will die. This is the only way the demons can kill the priest without voting for him twice.

Combat Specialist:
This is a major role.
Trained in combat, mortals cannot kill him. At least, not on the first try. If voted off, his role is revealed to everyone and he doesn't die. However, if he gets voted off a total of two times by humans, or once by the demons, he will die. If the Combat specialist doesn't vote after 3 turns, his role will be revealed and he will get another 3 turns, and removing his ability (not that he will need it).

This is a major role.
The Psychic, as the name makes obvious, can PM me once every OTHER turn, asking what a player's role is. He can tell the other player that he knows his role if he chooses. He is the only player that can reveal the other player's role.

This is a minor role.
The cheater, again as his name implies, cheats the votes. His vote on the main thread counts as two votes.

Village Idiot:
This is a minor role.
The Village Idiot's ability is negative. His vote on the main thread doesn't count.

Con Artist:
This is a minor role.
The Con Artist can Con another player out of his voting choice. In other words, he can change someone else's vote. Can only be used every other turn. If the con artist changes the vote of the cheater, he will change both votes. The con artist can also use their ability on themselves to cast a "fake" vote.

Spies on the other players, and does what they do. In other words, he can select ONE player in the first round to get the ability of. If he selects a regular no-role player, he becomes a regular no-role player. If he selects a demon, the Spy will get killed. Demons don't take kindly to Spies.. When spies take the ability of another player, the other player losses his role.

All other players:
You get no role. You get one vote each turn. You can still lie your ass off to get what you need.


Demon's Roles:
(These are the Demon's Roles. They can choose their role. First come, first serve.)

Speak No Evil:
Demon of speaking. Can prevent a player from voting on any turn. Cannot silence a player twice in a row. Silenced players cannot speak at all on this thread. If a player hasn't spoken for 2 turns, and gets silenced on the third, he will die (unless priest or combat specialist).

Hear No Evil:
Demon of hearing. Can prevent a player from receiving a response from me. This means if a player asks me to use the ability on that turn, it will not be used. Can not be used on a player twice in a row. This also cancel's the Combat Specialist's ability.

See No Evil:
Demon of sight. Can prevent the Psychic, Combat Specialist, Con Artist and Spy from using their abilities. Can not be used on a player twice. Blinding lasts two turns.

Those are the roles, rules, and game description. All player planning on participating, please PM me.

Remember: The object of the game is to kill all three demons. Once that is accomplished, humans win. Once all humans die, however, demons win. I will restart the game after about a week from the end of each game, maybe even longer.

Thanks, and Good Luck.

Player List (Round 1):
1.) Hagan [DEAD] [REVIVED] - Spy
2.) Slau [DEAD] - Psychic
3.) Zac [WON] - Priest
4.) Elvis [BACK IN HELL] - Demon (Hear no Evil)
5.) Pidda [BACK IN HELL] - Demon (See no Evil)
6.) Hero [DEAD] - Human
7.) Mcnuggets [DEAD] - Combat Specialist
8.) Kamura [DEAD] - Con Artist
9.) DruggedPanda [DEAD] - Cheater
10.) Lorrtex [WON] - Human

1.) Hagan
2.) Slau
3.) Zac [never had a penis in the first place lol]
4.) Elvis [penis removed]
5.) Pidda [penis removed] [DEAD]
6.) Hero
7.) Mcnuggets
8.) Kamura [penis removed]
9.) DruggedPanda
10.) Lorrtex [penis removed]
11.) Yoyo [penis removed]
12.) Hush
13.) Kingsta
14.) Liquidoom [penis removed]
15.) Chamara [DEAD]
16.) Fear [penis removed] [DEAD]



Before you vote, please do it in this format, which I forgot to mention:

{NameOfPersonYouVotedFor}:{1,2,3,4,5, or whatever number your vote is on this person}

So if Wolf votes for Kam, Kam votes for Wolf, and you vote for Wolf it'd be:

Kamura: 1
Wolf: 2

Basically, Copy/paste the previous vote-count and either add a number to the person you wanna vote for if it's there, or add the name and a 1 beside it. If you get ninja'd, just edit it.
Please make it Bold and Italic.

Last edited by Adrian; Jun 3, 2013 at 03:55 PM.
and definitely not in defenestration gaming