Christmas Lottery
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Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
Religion isn't the reason we have war. There have been wars for religious purposes, but did the US go to war with Iraq because of Christianity. Did the war of 1812 have to do with religion, did the war for independence have to do with religion, and this goes for many countries and continents. Religion is not the soul purpose for war. In my opinion war is started by the visionaries and the corrupt.

I totally agree with you. But please, admit. There was a lot of wars because of religion, and one of the most terrible one was because of religion. The Holocaust. Yes 60% of the wars is because of money, corruption, and politics. But the others 35% are because of religion. The 5% left is just because if random shits that the countries create to have problems and probably, get some money from them.

Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
i love how edgy atheists think that religion is all about war and delusion

have you guys ever even met a religious person? they're exactly like us if not nicer and more well-adjusted

you folks need to learn to tolerate because you're doing to them essentially what they did to you

religion doesn't cause wars, people in power manipulating religion causes wars
go outside for once and stop circlejerking over your superiority complexes

How i said before. 95% of my friends are religious. and 90% of them tried to convert me to their own religion, i don't know why but most of the religious people try to convert you, they ask for respect and everything, but they don't even respect you, your freedom. Well, anyways, i never disrespected a religious person before, and with the 5% who don't try to convert me, we don't even talk about religion. And if you felt offended by anything that i said (talking in general to everyone) I'm sorry, this was not my intention, i just wanted to cause a nice and healthy discussion. Yes i talked about religion cause war and stuff, but well, you understood what i meant :]. Also, if you are one of the religious person who don't try to convert the others, Congratulations, you have my eternal respect.
Last edited by Erod_old; May 21, 2013 at 01:19 AM.